After eight months of struggling with my health and realizing that things won't be the same again I had to decide whether to give up or keep on finding ways to get this game done. And here it is, the teaser trailer along with an entire campaign to raise funds to make this game happen. It's a lot of money, so it won't be an easy task, but it's something I had to at least try before I can move on. So please, if you're here with me, watching my journey over the years, consider buying the game early to help me make it happen. If the campaign goal isn't reached, your money will be returned and if it is, you'll get your copy when it's done. If you know anyone interested in these type of games, sharing will help just as much.
Either way, let me know what you think of the teaser trailer. I would love to know what you think.
Thank you for your support.