I'm Stepping Down
I hoped it would never come to this, but I can't keep it hanging on. It's been a wild journey and now it's time to let go.
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Dawn, The Front
After eight months of struggling with my health and realizing that things won't be the same again I had to decide whether to give up or keep on finding ways to get this game done. And here it is, the teaser trailer along with an entire campaign to raise funds to make this game happen.
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We're Here, My Dear
Is it worth it? To pursue your dream, to never give up, always keep going, no matter what? Is it really worth it?
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Golden Gate
A major breakthrough is most likely about to happen this year. If things keep moving forward the project should get into its final production phase.
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I'm creating a story driven videogame and thus even though I'm a videogame developer it might not be even that strange that the biggest source of inspiration for my work doesn't come from another videogames but from writers and I would like to dedicate this post to my most favorites.
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Developer Blog
Welcome to story about the development of the game The Past We Are.

Thoughts, ideas, observations from the course of the development as well as news and information about the development progress.

The game is being developed in Unity and Adobe Animate. The development began in 2018, however this game is a complete do-over of never finished game Jakže se jmenuješ? which was in development since 2014.
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Writer & Game Developer
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Early Feelings
An Indie Game Development Studio
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